Wednesday 22 April 2015

Binding Adobe Experience Manager Servlets to ResourceTypes

You can create an Adobe Experience Manager sling servlet and bind it to an AEM resource type. That is, you can use a sling.servlet.resourceTypes value to register the sling servlet. In this article, a sling servlet is attached to a page using a sling:resourceType property that belongs to a page node. For information about Sling Servlets, see Servlets and Scripts.  

To read this development article, click:

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I (Scott Macdonald) am a Senior Digital Marketing Community Manager at Adobe Systems with 20 years in the high tech industry. I am also a programmer with knowledge in Java, JavaScript, C#,C++, HTML, XML and ActionScript. If  you would like to see more CQ or other Adobe Digital Marketing end to end articles like this, then leave a comment and let me know what content you would like to see.

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